All professional job postings can be found on WECAN.
Elementary Teacher (2 positions) - Starting 2025-2026 school year.
High School Science position (physical sciences, physics, and chemistry)- Starting 2025-2025 school year.
Speech Language Pathologist - open until filled.
Middle/High School Principal Starting 2025-2026 year. The job posting is open until February 17.
There are no support staff positions open at this time.
Teacher Substitutes
Teacher/Special Education Aide
Food Service Aide
Helping Hands After School Care Aide
Substitute positions are filled on an ‘as needed’ basis in the absence of the regular employee due to sickness, personal, or other work-related reasons. If you are interested in applying as a substitute in one of these areas, complete an application and submit it to The School District of Auburndale, Attn: Casey Oertel, PO Box 139, Auburndale, WI 54412. For more information, call 715-652-2117.
There are no coaching positions open at this time.
Please contact Athletic Director Jay Anderson at 715-652-2115, ext. 2126 or email jmanderson@aubschools.com for coaching inquiries.
Support Staff, Substitute, and Coaching applications can be mailed to or dropped off at the District Office located at:
10564 School Street, PO Box 139, Auburndale, WI 54412 or emailed to the person of contact, if listed.